Rise into the Air on a Chair: Learn
about the cultural pull of levitation illusions over time, the psychological
principles of camouflage, cause and effect reasoning, the science of simple
mechanics, and the art of performance that makes this illusion work. |
Light and Heavy Chest: A box is easy to
carry until - ZAP! - the magician
Jade says the magic words. Suddenly, the box
can't be moved! visitors will learn the secret of this miraculous
transformation�yet still find themselves mystified by other versions of the
effect. |
Disembodied Head:
While this illusion looks simple, several complex processes operate hidden
behind the scenes. Visitors can explore the mystery
backstage and even have a chance to lose their
own heads. |
Mind Magic: Visitors can discover
more about the cultural history of mentalist magic, and they can go
backstage to learn about finding hidden
patterns, and see how the art of performance helps create this custom made,
compelling and real illusion.
Learn Magic: Visitors can learn and
practice simple close-up magic, based on math and psychology principles using
simple items such as cards, coins, or cups. |
Artifacts: Visitors to
Magic: The Science of Illusion can see authentic magical
artifacts, including a milk can and handcuffs used by
Houdini in his famous escapes, and discover the history of
performance magic through posters, photos, text and film.