WSKY: Radio Station of the Stars

Grade Level(s):  3 - 12

Program Length:  40 minutes

Program Description:

Join cosmic DJs Moondog Matt Midnight and Stella Sunspot as they present a totally spaced out show that explores the Universe. Visitors will experience talk radio of the future as Dr. Cosmos answers questions on everything from shooting stars to black holes. Throw in a crazy traffic report, planetary weather forecast, with a couple of chart topping tunes and you�ll catch yourself cruising the cosmos.

Program Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Describe how many cultures were curious about the night sky;

  2. Describe what a constellation is, and name one mentioned in the show.

  3. Explain the life cycles of stars from their birth to their death;

  4. Identify the planets of the Solar System;

  5. Describe what places in space humans have visited.

For a complete Teacher's Resource Guide to this show, please click HERE.

Michigan Content Standards and Benchmarks
More information can be found at the Michigan Department of Education website at:

The Detroit Science Center and the Dassault Systèmes Planetarium are dedicated to assisting all educators in building and utilizing curricula based on the above-mention standards and benchmarks. Each of our shows for school groups keeps you and your students needs in mind. For WSKY, the Standards & Benchmarks addressed include:

Elementary School:
Matter & Energy IV. 1-1
Solar System, Galaxy and Universe V. 4-1,2

Middle School:
Matter & Energy IV. 2-5
Waves & Vibrations IV. 4-4
Solar System, Galaxy & Universe V. 4-2,3

High School:
Matter & Energy IV. 2-5
Waves & Vibrations IV. 4-4
Solar System, Galaxy & Universe V. 4-2,3