August 2000
The last day of public operations at the Science Center was July 30, and the first week in August was spent making preparations to move the staff offices out of the building. The relocation began August 7 and took nearly the entire week.
During this time, construction continued outside of the building adjacent to the West Tower, where the new entrance will be located. The footings and walls were poured.
Demolition inside the building began with a vengeance as soon as the staff began moving. The lower level office and educaion area was gutted -- electrical lines were removed, walls in the restrooms were demolished and the ceilings came down. Two large holes were excavated through the concrete floor to install columns that will support the new structure.
August 14
Demolition of the Plaza began. The escalator leading down to the IMAX� Dome Theatre was demolished - a project which in itself took a full week! The tile floor on the Plaza (inside and outside) was removed. The stairway and ramp from the parking lot up to the Plaza were jack-hammered into little pieces and carted off. The Gift Shop area and Admissions counter were demolished.
Meanwhile, the IMAX� Dome entrance and exit lobbies were being gutted. An opening was sawed through the wall connecting the entrance lobby to the new elevator/stairway tower to the south. With the removal of the down escalator from the Plaza, the South Tower will become the new entrance to the IMAX� Dome Theatre.
August 21
The first steel columns were erected!. They are located along the north side (parking lot side) of the building. These columns will support the new sloped roof and enclose the new Plaza.