September 2000
September 5
The steel for the south addition begins to arrive. Meanwhile, the installation of steel along the north and east side of the old Plaza has continued.
September 14
Additional steel has arrived and is sitting on a flatbed truck at the right. The concrete "box" which as been added to right of the curved wall is the foundation for the stairway that will lead from the new Plaza to Warren Avenue. This will be a secondary entrance; the new main entrance will be from John R Street at the lower right corner of the picture.
September 16
A considerable amount of steel has been put into place in just two days. This image shows the structure of two levels; the new Plaza, with its sloped roofline, and the Lower Level below.
September 19
The horizontial I-beams to support the Digital Dome Theater and the vertical beams for the curved wall are going into place.
September 21
Steelwork, rising like the monoliths of Stonehenge, clearly defines the Digital Dome Theater. The base of the 50'-diameter dome will be approximately at the level of the top most steel ring.
September 27
The tower at the left will contain the new elevator and stairway. The sloped "flat" area will be the roof of the new Plaza.