Explore the Possibilities of Scientific Adventure...
This year, take your students on an amazing adventure that will open their minds to the wonders
of science. At The New Detroit Science Center, you can create an exciting field trip adventure
that includes lively laboratories, spectacular shows and uncommonly cool classroom programs. Programs for grades K-12 correlate with the State of Michigan Curriculum Framework and are designed to excite, motivate and inspire young minds.
It's easy to create your own adventure at The New Detroit Science Center.
Simply choose from our four exhibit laboratories, a children's gallery, two science stages, an IMAX® Dome Theatre, Dassault Systèmes
Planetarium and many new sensational science programs
Join us for an adventure through FIVE LABORATORY AREAS! We'll slip, slide, lift and pull to explore the scientific principles of motion, matter and energy, waves and vibrations, and the life sciences. Small hands can explore pint size principles in the SBC Children's Gallery.
The FORD LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER welcomes minds in motion with five unique learning classrooms that are out of this world.
Spark a new interest in electricity at DTE ENERGY SPARKS THEATER, one of two demonstration stages. Tilt, float and try out a real hovercraft on the DAIMLERCHRYSLER SCIENCE STAGE located in the heart of the center.
Think you've seen all that IMAX® has to offer? Think again! Our IMAX® DOME THEATRE offers state of the art technology for an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Don't be surprised if our Dassault Systèmes Planetarium leaves you star struck. This four-story high planetarium offers regularly scheduled shows for a glimpse of the wide, wild universe.
Special exhibits like the WIND MOVER further enhance the field trip experience.
All exhibits and education programs correlate to the Michigan Curriculum Framework and support the MEAP test.
Group Programs Guide
Download our 2004-2005 group
programs guide or call 313.577.8400, Option 5, to request a copy today!
2004-2005 package prices are effective for group visits taken after Sept. 1,
2004. Please ask for 2003-2004 pricing if making a reservation before this date.
Click here to learn how to plan your group visit.
Click here to learn more about reduced bus rates for field trips.